Bloggers Anonymous
When not on 360 do you find yourself thinking about it?
Do you find yourself blogging and surfing on 360 for more than 3 hours?
Has anyone commented (on 360 and off-line) that you blog on 360 too much?
Then it’s time to be honest. You have a 360 addiction
This group is for the 360 addicts who dont need any more friends, dont need help, just get very itchy and twitchy when away from 360
Thanks go too Hyiidra, Red7 and Eddo
who gave both the ideas and the inspiration to form this group
What Bloggers Anonymous does
Bloggers Anon is here for fun, too help people out with post ideas, getting a picture for your avatar,
getting you involved in 360º, helping you with Bloggers block, getting you too laugh and enjoy life on 360º
If you need help with your Blogging Addiction you are in the right place
Bloggers Anonymous the 360º page and Bloggers Anonymous the group
Bloggers Anonymous isn’t here to get you too give up Blogging it’s here too help you enjoy it more .
The group and the 360º page are Bloggers Anonymous
What Bloggers Anon does not do.
Bloggers Anonymous does not do technical help for 360º, help you with a theme
or help you collect friends
There are plenty of other groups that will help you with those things click here for more
and if you know of any more say so Bloggers Anon will join them
as Bloggers Anon likes too join the other 360º help groups,
it helps them get more members and advertises their groups.
Bloggers Anon joining the other groups also helps members of Bloggers anon too
those groups can help you where we can’t they have files and archives just for technical help and themes.
BA has files on Blogging addiction and addict T-shirts
Bloggers Anonymous is a stand alone group it’s not like any other 360º group .
Most of our members both in the group and on the 360º page are long time residents of 360º
The 05’ers, been using 360º so long it’s imprinted in their brains .
True addicts that don’t need friends, help or themes
Even though we can help you out with technical information on how too use your page we don’t because that not what Bloggers Anonymous does, technical help isn’t fun at all
We would rather be Blogging
The group and the Yahoo 360 page basically are a little joke we don't take things seriously here at Bloggers Anonymous because we aren't serious, people we aren't that serious .
Remember the Bloggers Anonymous motto
No Drama, No B/S just FUN!
no drama no is that fun...haha just teasing...I feel at home now....
I wish we could figure out a way to add quick comments to our bloggers...I know you can do that is a challenge ad a half!
whose comment did you remove...who's startin shit...shall i go get'em
Where's Red?
I want my bear suit...did you move it over here?
Thank you for visiting my blog. I'll let you know when my "creepy" book is out. Love to hear what you think of it!
I removed Leigh Russell's SPAM comment looks like I have to remove another one now
Your bear suit is here its under 'mascots' tag least I hope so anyway
I'll do a tut on adding comments to a Blogger and adding the QC boxes but I'll do it on mine
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