Bloggers Anonymous
Have YOU joined yet?
Since starting the BA group in July the group now has 200 members and the BA blog itself has 140 friends
Its getting there I tell you, of course if someone joins the group and their 360° page cannot be found at all or they are very new and they haven’t posted a single blog yet. BA isn’t for them and I’ll send them off to 360° friends or 360° forum even one of the other 360° groups.
The BA group will accept lurkers but not spammers (those who join groups to collect email addresses) or those who join just to collect contacts
BA isn’t a dating service either.
That’s why there isn’t many in the BA group
Why is the Bloggers Anonymous 360° page doing better than the group …why?? Because people in Bloggers Anonymous are 360° addicts that’s why!
That’s why there aren’t many emails go through Bloggers Anonymous either. It’s a very low email group
The Bloggers Anonymous spiel
360 Bloggers anonymous
When not on 360° do you find yourself thinking about it?
Do you find yourself blogging and surfing on 360° for more than 3 hours?
Has anyone commented (on 360° and off-line) that you blog on 360° too much?
Then it’s time to be honest. You have a 360° addiction
This group is for the 360° addicts who don’t need any more friends, don’t need help, just get very itchy and twitchy when away from 360
Now you may think 200 members isn’t that many but those are power Bloggers that’s why the group mail isn’t high maybe 2-3 a week because they are too busy on 360° too email in the group
We have a couple of files set up in the group MYK’s Challenge try that challenge if you haven’t already
How to post your URL
And of course your Bloggers Anonymous T-shirt can be picked up from here (join the group get a free shirt)
Go on join in the fun the BA group isn’t really anonymous you don’t need to hide … we will find you anyway and hunt you down if you don’t (well not really but we might)
Missy A (owner/founder/moderator)
Red7 (moderator)
Dana (what exactly do you do Dana?)
The Bloggers Anon 360° page
Right that’s the Bloggers Anon group down, now for here this 360° page
I was going to put “rules of this blog” but we don’t like rules this is more of an announcement
This 360° page will accept anyone who has a blog posted but no blog, no profile no accept, stick this page in your favorites for a while till you get the hang of blogging if you are new, then ask again later.
The BA blog don’t like fwd, fwd 360° mail either but the 360° mail has to remain open here so if you sent to all and this blog received 20 of the same 360° mail from your friends and it originated from you well you may just be put on 360° Ignore. It doesn’t stop you commenting but it does stop this page getting loads of fwd, fwd messages in the mailbox
Oh and if you get a comment from this blog it means I am here (well someone is anyway) We don’t have time to come and comment on everyone’s blog and we probably have done from our own at any rate but we do like to get out occasionally and quickie coz there’s nothing like a quickie to start your day
Bloggers Anon likes to travel too so today it’s in Australia tomorrow well you just never know
The Bloggers Anon blog don’t mind if you have it in favorites either but there are plenty of spaces left, if you have this blog in favorites send that add request in (press the green + under the picture) get your friends too as well, we don’t bite well we might gnaw you a bit but we don’t bite
Oh the blogboard on the profile here that was designed by Pickles and others, all their names are on the top.
I’m looking into a new Theme for here actually, had this one a while but don’t want too loose the board
Got any ideas for this blog? A new theme or even blog ideas send them in to
Oh that’s a long post for here isn’t it whoopsie, hope you didn’t get bored reading all of that I did type slow for those of you who only read slow