Monday, March 24, 2008

Blogg'in Movies

Lets do something fun

Give us the names of some "Blog Movies"

like this...

Sleepless in Blogattle
The Blog and the Bueatiful
Blogiana Jones and the Temple of Blog

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Funny Blog titles

Give us some funny blog titles
As you all know its the title that draws your readers eye and funny will allways get readers, just the title of course the rest doesn't even have to match the title ...which is half the fun

I'll start off with "Don't Click this", "popped off"
and "weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee"
allways my favorite .... because you can go "ahhhhh I needed that" in the first few lines

If you've got one (an actual blog to go with the title that is) post the link here too